Brett Cotter

Brett Cotter, author of “3 Keys to Managing PTSD” and creator of the Stress Is Gone Method, has over 20 years of experience helping thousands of people recover from the most traumatic events of their lives. He has taught his signature classes in Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, schools, non-profits, military bases, and disaster sites. Brett is the Trauma Specialist for Meditation Magazine's Teacher Training Program and speaks annually at the Self-Care Summit and World Wellness Weekend. He facilitates retreats for veterans, first responders, and civilians at the Omega Institute, Kripalu, The Himalayan Institute, The Open Center, and weekly on Zoom certifying students in the Stress Is Gone Method. Brett is a clairaudient empath that consciously channels a collective higher power which guides him to help participants break free from deep emotional pain. He is certified by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, accredited by the International Mindfulness & Meditation Alliance, and his core method is certified by the American Institute of Stress.